Church: Bethel

Worship Attendance: 25-75

Position (Part-Time): Worship Leader

If you are interested in applying for this position, please submit a cover letter — including personal testimony and desire for this position — as well as a current resume to

Ability to lead by playing the guitar or piano preferred.
Church: Edgewood Baptist Church
Worship Attendance: 400-550

Classification: Flexible, Part-time Youth Minister

Job Description

The Youth Minister will plan, conduct, evaluate, and administer the church’s youth ministry.

Job Requirements

Essential Job Duties:

  • Pray and study the Bible regularly
  • Live an exemplary Christian life
  • Teach and model God’s Word in a biblically accurate and culturally relevant way.
  • Work with volunteers and students to plan, promote, and participate in events and activities
  • Encourage students and help connect them with the broader church body
  • Motivate, instruct, and coordinate student ministry volunteers
  • Participate in student events or mission activities with other churches as feasible
  • Serve on committees and ministry teams as needed
  • Other duties as needed.

Compensation: $18000 annual salary + benefits

If you are interested in the position, please send questions or your resume to Resumes should be submitted before April 13, 2024.
Church: Living Hope
Worship Attendance: 410

Position: Associate Pastor for Discipleship/ Education

Summary:  The Associate Pastor will advance the mission of God locally and around the world by assisting the other Pastors in the oversight of this local church in all of its gatherings, ministries, and operations. In this regard, he is an elder. 

In addition, the Associate Pastor will oversee the ministries of discipleship/education, and missions, as well as using giftedness to serve in every area of the church. In discipleship, he will oversee all small groups and promote, equip, recruit, and educate all leaders of small groups, and teach and lead small groups when called upon. In Missions, he will help recruit, and train members to live on mission here, and be willing to go on mission around the world for the cause of Christ. He will plan, and organize mission trips.

Read the full job description here: Associate Pastor Job Description.pdf

If you’re interested in partnering with Living Hope, please read the job description in full and e-mail your resume to:
Church: Living Hope
Worship Attendance: 410

Position: Pastor for Music/ Worship

Summary: The Pastor for Music/ Worship will advance the mission of God locally and around the world by leading the people of God in the worship of God. He will be responsible for overseeing all aspects of the music ministry, including planning, and leading congregational singing, overseeing audio-visual technologies, and teams, directing any choir or choral ensembles, organizing special music events, and raising up others to serve and to lead

Read the full job description here: Worship Pastor Job Description.pdf

If you’re interested in partnering with Living Hope, please read the job description in full and e-mail your resume to:
Church: Living Hope
Worship Attendance: 410

Position: Director of Children and Church Media

Summary: The Director of Children and Church Media will advance the mission of God locally and around the world by developing and overseeing a comprehensive ministry strategy to impact children from birth through 5th grade so that they will come to Christ and live for Christ. As a director, he or she will primarily minister to children by planning ministry opportunities and then recruiting, equipping, and empowering a team of volunteers to teach, lead, and love children in the name of Christ. The Director of Children and Church Media will also take the opportunity to regularly minister directly to children and parents when the need arises.

In addition, the Director of Children and church Media will also oversee a church wide media strategy to spread the church’s teachings and to promote the church’s ministries through the church’s website, social media, signage, and other channels of distribution

Read the full job description here:  Director of Children’s Ministries and Church Media.pdf
If you’re interested in partnering with Living Hope, please read the job description in full and e-mail your resume to:
Church: New Palestine
Worship Attendance: 40-60
Position: Part-time Worship Leader
Job Description/Responsibilities:
New Palestine Baptist Church is looking for a part-time worship leader for their Sunday AM service. Looking for someone that plays guitar and/or piano. This is a paid position. Call 270-889-7192 for more info.
Church: Pembroke Baptist

Worship Attendance: 140-150

Position: Part-Time Director of Children’s Ministries

Job Description/Responsibilities:

The ideal candidate will be an energetic and positive person willing to oversee,
develop, coordinate and implement a dynamic balanced and comprehensive
children’s ministry program with a primary focus on children 4 years to 5th grade.
The preferred person would have an intense love for children, be highly energetic
in nature, and be willing to plan and be involved in outings and activities for our
children. We are seeking a person that will impart spiritual truth and wisdom, as
well as someone who can plan and implement fun activities while promoting the
cause of Christ in everything that is done.

Resumes should be sent to:
ATTN: Administrative Team
PO Box 219, Pembroke, KY 42266
or can be emailed to
Church: Salem

Worship Attendance: 50-75

Position: Part-time Worship Leader to lead contemporary worship portion of service

Looking for an individual that will lead the contemporary worship portion of Sunday morning services. Ability to play an instrument is preferred. If you are interested, please contact Pastor Jonathan Arvin 270-839-0722.